Monday, April 4, 2011

POT #7

Raku work by M3...that is what is scratched onto the bottom of the pot. I got this pot at a tiny gallery on the NCECA tour in Pittsburg, 2007. (This is where *I* forgot to go to the Andy Warhol Museum...duh!)
My friends and I loved this woman's work. I bought one piece and may have paid $35.oo. My friends bought several pieces and spent wads. I wish I could remember the artist's name or if I had her card somewhere.


The piece is 3 x 3 x 2.5". It is hand built with the pinch method. The surface was scraped with a rib as *I* can see scrape mark all over the surface. The piece is very round...perfectly balancing on its rounded bottom. That is why I love this pot.

The pot has been, as stated before, raku fired. There is no glaze on any surface, but obviously smoked/reduced with with ferns attached to the surface. Is this some sort of "naked raku"? Since the bottom is NOT reduced, I am guessing that the bottom was waxed and the ferns were attached with wax. I may go rifle through my cards so I can find the information on firing.

*I'll let you all know.

As with no glaze and being smoked, the surface color is greyed...dark to light. There is even a tiny bit of white (wax residue?) and of course the UN-reduced bottom is whitish.

Mystery pot.

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