April 29, 30 and May 1, 2011
Brookside Art Annual..I will be in tent 2. My booth number is 31.
Continuous...my whimsical artwork (and other KCCG artists work) for sale at KC Clay Guild's 'Off Center gallery' www.kcclaygild.org for info about becoming an artist/member of 'OCG'
I am pretty sure I will also be teaching evening Art Fundamentals at Longview Community College this FAll, 2011
Sign up for Art Fundamentals, Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Peruse my favorite websites...
KC Clay Guild:: http://www.kcclayguild.org/
Cinderelish:: http://www.cinderelish.blogspot.com/
Potters Council:: www.ceramic.org/potterscouncil
Red Star Studios:: http://www.redstarstudios.org/
Strecker-Nelson Gallery:: http://www.strecker-nelsongallery.org/
NCECA:: http://www.nceca.net/
Bracker Good Earth Clays:: http://www.brackers.com/
Eclectics Gift Gallery Ltd.:: www.blogcatalog.com/blog/our-eclectic-lives
Kansas City Artists Coalition:: http://www.kansascityartistscoalition.org/
Marko Fields:: http://www.markofields.com/
Erik Ebeling:: www.erikebelingart.com/
REview online blog by Steve Brisendine:: www.ereview.org/2010/05/01/where-fun-meets-funk-tion-susan-speck/
REview: Mid-America's Visual Arts Publication:: http://www.ereview.org/